Dr Fred Travis à propos des changements électro-encéphalographiques (EEG) du cerveau observés au cours de la méditation (description des ondes cérébrales en direct)

Dr Fred Travis presents a live Brain Wave demonstration at the Vedic India Conference - Scientific Basis for Vedic India

Published on Mar 28, 2015.

Dr, Fred Travis (Ph.D. Psychology) gives a live demonstration of brain EEG through Transcendental Meditation and vedic recitation at the International Conference to Re-Establish Vedic India held in New Delhi, 20-22 February 2015. Dr Travis's live demonstration was made on 22 February, the third day of the conference.

Dr. Fred Travis on Meditation and the Transformation of the Brain

Dr Fred Travis « Live Brain Wave demonstration at the Vedic India Conference - Scientific Basis for Vedic India », Disponible sur : <www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zJQx0ivWF0>